Category Archives: Dry Flies
CDC Caddis Dry Fly
I love this buggy caddis fly pattern by Andrew Herkes. All tied with CDC feathers. Andrew briefly said this about the fly. “This fly and the tying style was pioneered by the legendary fly tyer Marc Petitjean. Using nothing more … Continue reading
Satkowski’s Plan B Hex
This is an awesome new Hex fly pattern from John Satkowski. You can follow John on Instagram here: John wrote about this fly in a message to me. “Lake Erie has a huge Hex hatch and you can catch … Continue reading
Parachute Purple Haze
Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions demonstrates how to tie a Parachute Purple Haze in his favorite way of tying the fly. Andy Carlson of Bitteroot Anglers in Montana came up with the Purple Haze back in 2000. It has remained … Continue reading
Fly Tying of James Lund
I first noticed James when he entered a fly into the J. Stockard fly tying contest. His flies have a certain wonderful style and it grabbed my attention right away. I asked James if he would write a little about … Continue reading
Catskill March Brown – John Bonasera
John Bonasera, known as CatskillJohn on Instagram ties some amazing Catskill flies and has dove deep into their history. Since it’s March, I thought I would post a March Brown by John. Here is what John had to say about … Continue reading
Pete Butler Fly Tying
I’ve admired Pete’s fly tying for several years. He’s been knocking it out of the park lately with some amazing flies. Below you can find several that caught my eye. You can follow Pete on Instagram here: He had … Continue reading